Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sleepless nights

Nights like these remind me of 3 years ago. When everything came crashing down and when I finally made the decision to turn my emotions off and remain empty.Nights like these where I spent in bed crying and sobbing, without anyone being able to hear me. I was emotionally damaged by someone i'll never be able to forget and this turned into pain that kicked itself in my stomach and built lumps in my throat. I feel so horible, like once again everything is slipping through my fingers. People say I'm lively and utterly positive at times, but I'm really not. Every time I try to reach for my happiness, something comes along and ruins it. I'm tired of having thoughts about creating an end for myself due to the fact I can't maintain something good for long. It's like every thing I touch simply dies. I really don't want that year to be repeated, so maybe once again, shutting my emotions off will be a better option.

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