Entering spring.
It's a beautiful day out there, the warmth of the sun is pleasant, the air is fresh and the flowers are bright with colour.
It's windier than usual, I like the wind, it runs through my hair, I feel freed.
I'm planning on doing some shopping with Olivia today and also getting my Tragus pierced. Hope parents won't mind.
Here we are, at the crowded shopping centre, nothing new yet. Come on- bring on the spring fashion!!!
I wonder how my spring trend is going to look like, when I set it up. I say bright colours, with my favourite colour red.
Something pretty, something fresh.
I want those red love heart glasses, their fresh.
Too bad I can't find them here, in OMD.
Anyways. I spent my money on a beautiful scarf, it has roses on it, it's pretty and also I bought lots and lots of lollies, chocolates and sugar stuff. Sugar's yummy.
Piercing. I wanted my tragus pierced, but stupid law said that I had to have a parent with me and no way in the world my parents would let me pierce my tragus.Olivia wanted her Helix pierced, good thing a friend of ours worked there, at that store and she pierced it for her.Since I wasn't allowed to get my tragus pierced, I rang up my mother and asked her if I could get my Helix. She said no at first, but then she agreed.
Click. And Yaayyyy I finally got my third piercing. It has a beautiful, sky blue diamond on it, based on my birth stone. Oh and I'm still getting my tragus pierced later, when I'm 16.
So yeah spring does bring happiness to the world.
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