Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't beat yourself up over it.

That’s what she ended up saying to me.
I was losing it, completely.
How could I be ever replaced? I was there when you were choking, I was there when you almost took your own life, I was there when you were huffing blood from your lungs.
I was simply there when you needed me.
Now here you are, splitting me into half, one half for the good, one half for the bad.
Fuck you, if you ever even thought about replacing me.
I never mistreated you once, I let down my guard and i trusted you with my whole heart.
You are an infuriating, attention seeking, immature idiot. They don’t even know that you’re a whore. I wonder what they would think if they did.
I was so blinded, I can’t believe it. Thank you for the ones who pointed it out for me in the beginning, and I’m sorry I never believed any of you. I was so in-considered.
I hope you had your fingers crossed very tight when you were spilling all those lies, I could see right through you then, see you denying the truth.
How could I be so naive.


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