Tuesday, November 23, 2010

None of you, none of you ever bothered.
None of you stayed true.
If you really think you are that smart to fucking bring me down. Think again.
I will destroy you. I won't stop, until each strand of hair on your body is burned into ashes.
You're all so pathetic. I can't believe you can all turn and look me straight in the eye.
You all take everything for granted. You never appreciate what you have.
You get what you want, and then you no longer want it.
You're all filthy. Drowning in each others sorrow and regrets.
I was there for you all, I trusted you and kept my promises.
You took advantage of everything given.
I'm no longer going to be the person who gives, and gets nothing in return.
I know who are the real people in my life. I can see through each one of you.
I'm angry, I'm devastated, disappointed and hurt.
If you're not willing to stay faithful and true in my life.
I would suggest you walk out now and close the door behind you.
I'm sick of people and their shit.
Humanity is fucked.
And so are you.

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